Expats Looks for job at India

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Mumbai: When the Western economies continue to freezer, more and more foreigners, mostly in the United States and Europe looking for a job in India, a trend which has seen a spurt up to 20 percent this year, according to the head-hunters.

According to industry estimates that up to 40,000 expats working in different industries in the country today.
"Recruiting expats at all levels have risen 15-20 percent since last year, mainly in India is one of the fastest growing economy offers tremendous opportunities," Elixir Consulting, recruitment process outsourcing company with international practice leader Ratnesh Kumar said.

An increasing number of expats looking for work job cuts at the expense of their own country, where the growing outsourcing and high taxes, he said, adding that it still happens in the United States and Europe.

India's experience increases the number of expats' CV, which indicates a person's ability to adapt to and cope with the diversity, he explained.

These professionals are employed primarily in the banking and financial services, automotive, pharmaceutical and retail sectors, except in areas where the domestic industry does not have the power as alternative energy, infrastructure, and so hard, he said.

"While CXOs are usually sold for about $ 2,50,000 per year, middle-manager level employees will receive a $ 80,000-1,25,000 a year," he said.

The number of foreigners seeking employment in the country is not only a medium-high, but distributed at the beginning as well, he said, adding that there are about 40,000 expats working in the country, and installation.
It is interesting to note that non-residents is almost the same compensation paid to foreign countries.

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