Movie review : Seven Days in Utopia

Saturday, September 3, 2011

"Seven Days in Utopia" is based on the inspirational best seller in 2009, David Cook, who takes over the title "Golf is a Sacred Journey:. Seven days links utopia" If you thought that golf movie "The Legend of Bagger Vance" was a huge bunch of momentum-ha, you have not seen anything yet. 

I used to think baseball was a sport that people all over the dreamy, mysterious, but now I'm not so sure. I have never understood what's so spiritual about whacking the ball, but then again I'm not a golfer, there are a miniature variety. "Seven Days in Utopia," Of course, like most sports movies, higher aspirations, more than a sport to try to place themselves in the film. And lo and behold, it is - sort of. 

Luke Chisholm (Lucas Black) is excellent with Martinet Texas golfer's father (Joseph Lyle Taylor) forces him to the brink. When you play badly, while Luke is the collapse of the tournament, he escapes and ends up stranded in the car a rural utopia, pop. Three hundred seventy third has been a wing-friendly, avuncular Johnny, played by Robert Duvall, who can do such things in his sleep, but fortunately it does not. Ex-golfer in his own case, of course, Johnny spends a week to live in the past, before you send it back to the world of Luke wiser colleagues. 

Johnny destroyed his career and his marriage with a drink, but he has risen above it all. He chairs the emotions, not to think about, preaching the doctrine of Authority - "see it, feel it, trust it." The film pretty much the same. If you think about it too long you will collapse in giggles or groans, but it is expertly touchy-feely, and it gets you in the end. It is much more cornball - ie a nice - if "Tree of Life", someone who tried the same things. Utopia, could be his big blue sky and the peachy-loving man, not rank right up there with Shangri-La, but it is close to NOK. 

Johnny is a familiar archetype of the country - an old Coot as sage. Its unusual for Luke to improve your golf game - take him to paint pictures, send it up and cut the engine prop plane - is that Johnny is the first to admit, is really life improvement. And even if he is not a Holy Roller type defender Johnny reveals a highly religious. If the wisdom to step down, he presents the Bible together, and Luke reminds him that God and his purpose "is all around us." Spiritual Undertow back from most of the films, even this small amount of clear religiosity. It is refreshing to Johnny, and the movie, do not pull any punches.At But winning is not everything Johnny preachments ring a little hollow movie that otherwise all your efforts, it seems to be about, well, win. 

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