The comedy director David Dhawan has Rascals, with Sanjay Dutt and Ajay Devgn differently than men competing to win the love of nature Kangnam Ranaut. Described in promotional material, such as "mega-comedy," when I saw a trailer, or even a poster, to know where the film has a lunch: David Dhawan lips and energetic, super colorful, the most difficult, the humor of character in-your-face is not for everyone but it is certainly the fans.
Vishal-Shekar Dhawan has certainly created a Rascals short game - and I mean that this disc is really an attack of high-energy sound from beginning to end.
This album consists of four short pieces of the original and two remixes, the album is heavily based on dance and hip-hop. This is actually one of the old school was torn not a fan of music or films to an awareness of rustic desi.
Neeraj to sing the title section Shridhan ... Well, that's what is waiting for the title of the score of David Dhawan film. It's the high prices of energy and the door, and repetitive, and it is filled with humorous sound effects, and the verse sung in chipmunk voices. It's time for fun and saw the movie (and it is quite to the point of copies of the two - it does not really listened to by him, he takes the characters), or you will never be complete - and I mean never - never heard this song, if you try to actively encourage people in your home.
If you have a strange desire to listen to the track, except the title, but to get up and dance, the album contains Rascals (Dance Mix), while the effect pikkunäppärä gracious (and pikkuoravat) prefer to remove Neeraj Shridhan Dancey sings in a very dynamic environment.
Vishal-Shekar Dhawan has certainly created a Rascals short game - and I mean that this disc is really an attack of high-energy sound from beginning to end.
This album consists of four short pieces of the original and two remixes, the album is heavily based on dance and hip-hop. This is actually one of the old school was torn not a fan of music or films to an awareness of rustic desi.
Neeraj to sing the title section Shridhan ... Well, that's what is waiting for the title of the score of David Dhawan film. It's the high prices of energy and the door, and repetitive, and it is filled with humorous sound effects, and the verse sung in chipmunk voices. It's time for fun and saw the movie (and it is quite to the point of copies of the two - it does not really listened to by him, he takes the characters), or you will never be complete - and I mean never - never heard this song, if you try to actively encourage people in your home.
If you have a strange desire to listen to the track, except the title, but to get up and dance, the album contains Rascals (Dance Mix), while the effect pikkunäppärä gracious (and pikkuoravat) prefer to remove Neeraj Shridhan Dancey sings in a very dynamic environment.
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